Painted, Engraved, and Layered Designs

What is the difference between the three?

Painted Design - Your design and/or text will be painted directly onto acrylic (without engraving or layering acrylic). This will leave a clean and flat design on your sign (with a vinyl-like appearance). Due to the production process, this is our most affordable production method, but is limited to simpler designs. Only available on acrylic.

Engraved Design - Your design and/or text will be engraved directly onto the material. This is great for detailed designs and adds depth to your signage. Standard Engraving (colorless engraving, no paint-fill) can be done on wood or acrylic, while Paint-filled Engraving (engraved, with color added) can only be done on acrylic.

Layered Design - Your design and/or text will be cut out of acrylic or wood and layered on top of your base material. Due to the production process, this is best done on simple designs or for larger text or headings on your signage. This is a great way to add depth to any design.

The three production methods can be combined or used exclusively, dependent on the design or budget you have for your signage. Scroll through our gallery below to view examples!


Morghann & Easton’s Dark Modern Wedding